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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Camera-Critters #156 - Cowlick

To join in this fun meme, which is all about critters, scroll down and click on the badge.


  1. A fun and great capture!


  2. What a funny capture! A great title too!

  3. Precious shot!!!
    Here's my CC: http://www.yagottalove.me/2011/04/camera-critters-woobin-tweetz/

  4. Fun capture!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Oh, Re...you are my kind of woman! I love this shot...how wonderful that you got in so close.

    And it's good to see you on CC...I haven't been playing along with them for long myself, but as I'm doing an A - Z challenge with my African animal pictures.

    So glad you stopped by my page to visit...I'll check out more of your site when I get a bit of time. Off now to leave the wonderful world of blogging and hit the grocery store...:)

    Imagination Lane

  6. This had me laughing out loud. Fabulously playful shot!


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