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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jumping Off Places Meme ... Week 10 April 29, 2011

Week 6 The Beginninghttp://jujubejewelry.blogspot.com/2011/03/jumping-off-places.html

Week 7:  http://jujubejewelry.blogspot.com/2011/04/friday-fence-post-april-15-2011.html

Week 8:  http://jujubejewelry.blogspot.com/2011/04/friday-fence-post-april-15-2011.html

Week 9:  http://jujubejewelry.blogspot.com/2011/04/jumping-off-places-meme-week-9-april-22.html

Week 10:  Gasping for air, I literally thought my lungs would burst!  A peaceful quiet surrounds me as I am embraced in a loving lightttt... none of it matters any longer...

Gasping again.  Can't breath.  Choking, trying to inhale beyond the water and interuption that has penetrated my world.  Mother had gone for a walk on the beach with her girlfriends, Liz rescues me from drowning.  We are at Old Silver Beach again, a few miles from our home on Cape Cod.  None of us sisters can swim, the drop off was closer to the edge and unexpected.

Breathing in gulps, begging Liz not to tell, for I would surely be punished.  Please, please Liz, you don't know her.  Please don't tell!


  1. Thanks, Re, for your faithfulness to Jumping Off Places . . . I am sorry that I did not have a linky up for yesterday, but losing my job and an uncertain future finally got to me. I just can't keep this up. My head is not in blogging right now. I need to regroup. Again, Thanks so much for your faithfulness to JOP!

  2. Autobiographical piece? Very well written. :-)


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