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Friday, February 11, 2011

FAB-U-LOUS FRIDAY FEATURES ~ LUCIOUS ~ Designs by EtsyBloggers Teammates

"Nothing happens unless first we dream," says Carl Sandburg. I would add that dreams are also realized when we ask "What if...?" and "Why not?" Those two questions form the basis of my handmade, one-of-a-kind creations. I'm passionate about playing with color, texture and pattern--and you'll see that love reflected in my shop as you browse through it.

(First to welcome me to the team)

♥Welcome! I'm Sharla and I'm using my love of creating beaded jewelry to benefit my love for animals. In 2007, news reports regarding animal hardships put my mom Sheri and me into action to design and create beaded jewelry and give a portion of the sales proceeds to animal awareness causes.

(First to leave a comment on my blog)

"We're all about family and fabric, love and laughter, and handmade super coolness. That's how we rock."

(First Momma)


  1. Nice finds. The scarf looks like it would be so warm!

  2. Welcome AGAIN to the team, and thank you so much for featuring my scarf!

  3. aww...great post!
    WELCOME to this FAB team, ReRe!

  4. You're so sweet! Thank you so much for featuring that monster of a blanket from my shop. :D


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