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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cottage Comfy

The longer that I live here in my new little cottage, the more "this and that" little things come to mind.  For me, creating coziness to "home sweet home".  Like these two small additions:

Two bird feeders outside of the main room window, the one on the left is tubular shaped
peanut butter plus thingies, that fit into each hole.
One of the kitties, and my pup enjoyed the taste. 
Then the horror of the instant thought that I may be making the birdies more flavorful....

This window is in my kitchen.  There was this table with a mess of stuff and junk from years
 of just sitting there.  Off to the back were a beautiful array of clay pots. 
I moved the table out of the dirt holes the legs had settled into, made my own bird bath,
then decorated with the clay pots for a more enjoyable view.


  1. Your pictures really say HOME :)

    LOL on the tasty birdies!

  2. I like the birdbath.

    I think you're okay as long as the birdies are rolling around in the peanut butter.

  3. It's very "homey!" Hopefully, the birdies will just supply entertainment value, not food value.

  4. smart move.
    love the bird images...


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